Friday, November 28, 2008

The Forum story, downloadable

The folks at Forum UK have decided to be uncommonly awesome and they have granted me permission to post the body inflation article from Forum 42.12 -- so much so that they sent me the files so I didn't even have to scan them. I can only assume it's a promotional effort, so...remember the nice people at the magazine who gave you something for free when they totally didn't have to! They don't make money giving away content for free (there are no ads in this PDF) but hopefully they'll make some friends and fans.

I'm really happy with the article. I mean, all I did was answer questions, but it's a nice, fair overview, with lots of direct quotes from CV & me. Anything people don't understand is therefore our fault! :)

Thanks to our old pal Pixel Prevert for the file prep!

1 comment:

Chief Hoot said...

Awesome. You dont give yourself enough credit.
"Just a few quotes"
The majority of the article featured you! Really great stuff.
Cant wait to see the site, hope to hear from you soon!